Navitel Navigator
Description :
Navitel Navigator is a navigation system with support of the traffic jams and the most detailed maps of Russia, Europe, Turkey and Latin America.
Navigation maps of Andorra, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Malta, Netherlands,Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Vatican, Albania, Argentina, Belarus, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Maldives, Moldova, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, Romania, Russia, Salvador, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela.
+ Free interactive service Navitel.Friends
+ Maps with high detail
+ Instant routing
+ Free online services "Navitel.Traffic", Navitel.Friends", Navitel.Events", "Navitel.SMS", "Navitel.Weather", Dynamic POI
+ Automatic maps update (free!)
+ Extensive POI database
+ 3D roads and 3D intersections
+ SpeedCam
+ Easy-to-use types of objects searching
+ Configurable interface
Requestment Android 1.5+ Up
Screenshoot :
To reply has been make-map version *. Nm3 is only 1 file different from *. Nm2 33 files. Are advised using folder nm2 alone, because on folder Nm3 features of look for address do not active.
Replace sign of * become. (point) or delete.
To yg experiencing problems with feature address search. Delete the file Index.058.nti in folder maps Navitel and delete the data on the menu Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> Navitel> Clear Data
Install and run the application first ... this way will create a folder on the sdcard Navitel its content ... the steps to install:
Tutorial: (English Leanguage)
1. Navitel apk dowload, do not forget to install
2. Download maps via the PC, open it by clicking exe 2x press next2 just to finish, find the file c: MyMaps / navigasinavitel. Inside there will be a 33 file extension *. Nm2
3. Navitel copy the folder containing the files * 33. Nm2 to / sdcard / navitelcontent / maps
4. Open Navitel, rather long, patient wait, later emerging Russian language, then to select only english, press the check mark in the bottom right corner, maybe navitelnya will close itself, open it again navitelnya
5. Will appeared turn on NAVITEL.JAMS? select yes alias checkmark
6. It says YOUR GPS settings ... blah .. blah ... select the check
7. Navitel maps will load wait up to 100%
8. completed
9. for voice Indonesia. TSB copy the folder to / sdcard / navitelcontent / voices
Info : (Bahasa Indonesia)
Untuk yg sudah pernah make map versi *.nm3 memang hanya 1 file beda dengan *.nm2 33 file. Disarankan menggunakan map nm2 saja, karena pada map nm3 fitur mencari alamat gak aktif.
Ganti tanda * menjadi . (titik) atau hapus.
Untuk yg mengalami masalah dengan fitur pencarian alamat. Hapus dulu file Index.058.nti di folder maps navitel dan hapus data pada menu Pengaturan>Aplikasi>Atur Aplikasi>Navitel>Hapus Data
Install dan jalankan aplikasi lebih dulu…cara ini akan membuat folder Navitel content di sdcard nya…langkah-langkah install :
Tutorial : (Bahasa Indonesia)
1. Dowload apk Navitel, jangan lupa diinstall
2. Download map lewat PC, buka exe nya dengan cara klik 2x tekan next2 saja sampai finish, cari filenya c:mymaps/navigasinavitel. Didalamnya akan ada 33 file berekstensi *.nm2
3. Kopikan folder navitel yg berisi 33 file *.nm2 ke /sdcard/navitelcontent/maps
4. Buka navitel, agak lama, sabar tunggu saja, nanti muncul bahasa rusia, kemudia pilih saja english, tekan tanda centang di pojok bawah kanan, mungkin navitelnya akan close sendiri, buka lagi navitelnya
5. Akan muncul turn on NAVITEL.JAMS ? pilih yes alias tanda centang
6. Muncul tulisan YOUR GPS settings… bla..bla… pilih centang
7. Navitel akan meload peta tunggu hingga 100%
8. selesai
9. untuk voice indonesia. kopikan folder tsb ke /sdcard/navitelcontent/voices
All File To Download :
link for download
Pasword : mummy
sumber :
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